November Rhythm Autumn Oil Landscape Painting


“November Rhythm” is an oil impressionistic painting done in a Alla Prima style (painted in one sessions, just like all of my paintings)! I intentionally want the viewers see and experience individual brush strokes, which create yet another engaging element. The viewer inevitably and magically moves from one stroke to another, from one tone to another, finding himself in a meditative and, oh so calming, walk in nature.

Autumn is such a swift season here in Michigan. September and the most of October are practically continuation of the summer. And then- boom-the foliage turned to extraordinary colors. I am energetically trying to capture the mesmerizing beauty of our countryside. And then- suddenly- leaves dropped. And again, I am taking couple days for a drive in a solitude to the north from Grand Rapids, closer to Big Rapids. I am indulging myself in hours of walks to yet again be silenced by the beauty of November. Yes, beauty. I walk around, touching the bark, branches fallen trees, moss, running creek and feel that this is my favorite time of the year. Silence is it’s name. Just breath. No bright colors to excite and distract from internal dialogue.

This painting will be a perfect center piece in any room or homestyle, from a contemporary to cottage core.


  • Free ground domestic shipping from my studio in Zeeland, MI. Ships in 3-5 business days. 

  • Inquire here for international shipping

  • Pickup from Zeeland, MI available. 


  • Original: one-of-a-kind artwork

  • Medium:  oil on wrapped canvas

  • Size: 36”x24”

  • This art is unframed

  • Canvas sides are painted - this makes it versatile to hang without a frame. 

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“November Rhythm” is an oil impressionistic painting done in a Alla Prima style (painted in one sessions, just like all of my paintings)! I intentionally want the viewers see and experience individual brush strokes, which create yet another engaging element. The viewer inevitably and magically moves from one stroke to another, from one tone to another, finding himself in a meditative and, oh so calming, walk in nature.

Autumn is such a swift season here in Michigan. September and the most of October are practically continuation of the summer. And then- boom-the foliage turned to extraordinary colors. I am energetically trying to capture the mesmerizing beauty of our countryside. And then- suddenly- leaves dropped. And again, I am taking couple days for a drive in a solitude to the north from Grand Rapids, closer to Big Rapids. I am indulging myself in hours of walks to yet again be silenced by the beauty of November. Yes, beauty. I walk around, touching the bark, branches fallen trees, moss, running creek and feel that this is my favorite time of the year. Silence is it’s name. Just breath. No bright colors to excite and distract from internal dialogue.

This painting will be a perfect center piece in any room or homestyle, from a contemporary to cottage core.


  • Free ground domestic shipping from my studio in Zeeland, MI. Ships in 3-5 business days. 

  • Inquire here for international shipping

  • Pickup from Zeeland, MI available. 


  • Original: one-of-a-kind artwork

  • Medium:  oil on wrapped canvas

  • Size: 36”x24”

  • This art is unframed

  • Canvas sides are painted - this makes it versatile to hang without a frame. 

“November Rhythm” is an oil impressionistic painting done in a Alla Prima style (painted in one sessions, just like all of my paintings)! I intentionally want the viewers see and experience individual brush strokes, which create yet another engaging element. The viewer inevitably and magically moves from one stroke to another, from one tone to another, finding himself in a meditative and, oh so calming, walk in nature.

Autumn is such a swift season here in Michigan. September and the most of October are practically continuation of the summer. And then- boom-the foliage turned to extraordinary colors. I am energetically trying to capture the mesmerizing beauty of our countryside. And then- suddenly- leaves dropped. And again, I am taking couple days for a drive in a solitude to the north from Grand Rapids, closer to Big Rapids. I am indulging myself in hours of walks to yet again be silenced by the beauty of November. Yes, beauty. I walk around, touching the bark, branches fallen trees, moss, running creek and feel that this is my favorite time of the year. Silence is it’s name. Just breath. No bright colors to excite and distract from internal dialogue.

This painting will be a perfect center piece in any room or homestyle, from a contemporary to cottage core.


  • Free ground domestic shipping from my studio in Zeeland, MI. Ships in 3-5 business days. 

  • Inquire here for international shipping

  • Pickup from Zeeland, MI available. 


  • Original: one-of-a-kind artwork

  • Medium:  oil on wrapped canvas

  • Size: 36”x24”

  • This art is unframed

  • Canvas sides are painted - this makes it versatile to hang without a frame. 

Into the Woods I Go | 36"x48" | unframed
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Into the Woods No1 | 20"x16" | framed
Birches #5 | 20”x20”
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The Forest of My Dreams Fall Trees Oil Impressionistic Landscape Painting
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