Our Story of The ART of Living with the JOY
Me second from the left with my friends in Cairo, Egypt.
Cairo, 1971. The taxi is taking me, a ten-year old Russian girl, to the airport to fly back to the Soviet Union to leave with the grandparents while my parents continue their military service in Egypt. My father leaned down to the window of the taxi and said a phrase that changed my life:
“Buy a notebook and start a diary. Write down everything that happens to you during each day, ok?”
“Ok”, I promised.
And yes, I started the diary documenting daily discoveries, events and thoughts. Then at the early teenage life, in Siberia, I started to focus on understanding what HAPPINESS is comprised of by writing down thoughts of the Russian, English, American, French and other classic writers. Then I expanded my reading to scientific materials on sensory and brain development studies. I was determined to learn what “happiness” is all about and how to be happy.
Excerpt from our book “Blooms of Wisdom”.
A decade ago, in my morning readings, I came across a concept of an “art of living with joy “ in Deepak Chopra‘s book “The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success”. The phrase itself coincided so organically with my seeking that it became the uniting theme of everything I do.
The title of my first solo show, my presentation at the international Art Forum in Jaipur, India, public speaking and art classes teachings, the series of articles in local magazines carry one title: “The ART of Living with JOY”.
I am so delighted to share my fifty-year search and findings with YOU.
Every blog, every Facebook post, every newsletter is about it.
How do I achieve this effect on you?
Through storytelling, through art description, through colors of my paintings, watercolors and oils, through brush strokes…